Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First Annotated Bibliography

Karlin, Rick. "Hormone a Hit with Some Dairy Farmers." The Times Union [Albany, NY] 30 Mar. 1994, THREE STAR EDITION ed., LIFE & LEISURE sec.: C1. Web.

This article talks about the company Monsanto developing a substance known as bovine somatotropin; which is a hormone that is given to cows to produce extra milk. Also, it touches the positive and negative sides of using such hormone and the effects that it may have on the animal and on humans; short and long term.

"Some Saying High Fructose Corn Syrup Main Culprit behind America's Obesity." Interview by Elizabeth Kaledin. CBS Morning News 6:30 AM EST CBS. CBS. WCBS, 2 Oct. 2006. Television.

This is a script of CBS News where reporter Elizabeth Kaledin interviews Ms. Kenya Clark (dieter). Also, Dr. Arthur Frank (Weight Management Specialist, George Washington University) is involved in the interview to provide an experts view and opinion on the subject. The interviews objective is educate on High Fructose Corn Syrup, Ms. Kenya shares her experience of being overweight due to High Fructose Corn Syrup and from there reporter Kaledin and Dr. Arthur Frank Provide facts and eye opening information about the substance.

Alford, Abby. "Mum Wants Answers from E. Coli Inquiry; Expert to Start Hearing Evidence in Investigation into Food Poisoning Outbreak 'Every Parent Who Puts Their Child in School Dinners Should Sit up and Listen'" South Wales Echo 12 Feb. 2008, City Final Edition ed., News sec.: 6. Print.

This article discusses the outbreak of E. coli in Crickhowell House, Cardiff Bay. The outbreak took many of lives, but more specifically it deals with the heath of a five year old; Mason Jones, who died because contaminated meat was supplied to the school he attended. The article also has a time line from the outbreak to the point where action had to be taken because E. coli was getting out of hand.

Embong, Prof Dr. Mustaffa. "Never Too Young." New Straits Times [Malaysia] 16 Nov. 2008, Local sec.: 41. Print.

This article discusses the danger that children today face, specifically inactive obese children. Diabetes; a disease that affects only overweight adults has now turned into a common chronic childhood disease.

Bell, Robert A., Diana Cassady, Jennifer Culp, and Rina Alcalay. "PEDIATRICS; TV Bombards Children with Commercials for High-Fat and High-Sugar Foods: Children Networks Exposed Young Viewers to 76% More Food Commercials per Hour than Other Networks." Drug Week (20 Nov. 2009): 1967. Print.

This article argues the tremendous role that Television plays in obese America. The article provides research and proof that the food advertisements in children networks are predominantly for sugary cereals and sweets, high fat food, convenience or fast food, and chips/crackers. The advertisements were also compared to television for general audience for further proof.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Obesity Town!

In my opinion “The Consumer: A Republic of Fat” by Chevat, Richio, and Michael Pollan was a very insightful reading as to how HFSC (High Fructose Corn Syrup) snuck into the pantry in many American homes, and introduced obesity.
Before this reading I had a basic idea of HFCS, and the products it is added to. However, as I advanced into the reading I realized that HFCS was also used a numerous of products I never would have imagined; such as ketchup, mustard, breads, cereal, and crackers among other products. Learning this surprised me, because there were foods mentioned that can be seen as healthy but in reality they aren’t. people are stacking HFCS on top of more HFCS being unaware of it, and the part that is most alarming is that some if not most children are eating products that is most alarming are eating products that not only have HFCS but sugar too.
The second thing I found most interesting was the invention of super sizing, by David wallerstein. Wallerstein analyzed the consumer and came to the conclusion that people always wanted more food but were too embarrassed or ashamed to get up for more; people did not want to be classified as “gluttons.” What Wallerstein did to put a solution to this situation and increase sales was create the “super sized portions.” This way people would get more quantity in one serving and avoid the “piggish feeling.” I think that this was a brilliant discovery and with time so did other companies. Coca Cola and Pepsi also jumped on the super size bandwagon and increased the size of their beverage. So now Americans were dealing with HFCS, sugar and super sized meals that combined both of these deadly ingredients; from here there was no where to go but to obesity town.
In the end I was left with a feeling of disappointment. I realized that people do not tend to think for themselves. An example of this was the whiskey drinking situation of the 19th century, and now the unstoppable need to eat more and more. In my opinion we have to stop allowing companies play mind games with us, dictate our lives.